Boudoir Portraits
Yes, we also offer boudoir sessions! One of the best gifts to give your significant other is a beautiful album of the sexy side of you. To protect our clients, we offer hidden client galleries that are password protected. You will receive all of your images, in hi-resolution via the gallery for 6 months.
I strongly encourage clients to have an album designed by me personally, rather than an online site like SnapFish or Shutterfly for the simple reason that the photo lab that I exclusively utilize works with thousands of boudoir photographers across the globe, and it is submitted through a secure portal for printing. You are potentially putting yourself at risk of hackers (or just not-so-trustworthy employees that work for an online album company that processes thousands of orders each day.) Once your images are in their hands, your images are fair game for being sold.
The book will then be sent directly to you unless you would like to arrange pickup from me so your SO doesn't get the package by mistake.
Interested in learning more? Please contact us for access to a client-approved hidden gallery that has given us permission to share their images with our potential clients. Please feel free to use the form below and we will get back to you within 24 hours*.